Monday, November 8, 2010

What I did before...

2nd year

In the 2nd year of my interior design course I have chosen to follow the furniture course. This course contains a certain more creative way of thinking while still giving enough attention to the actual technical drawings.

My first assignment was designing a stool, starting from analysing your own as a person (character, intrests, things you hate,...). LAMO is created from the thought of people who always see me as a soft person. Also because I like wool because of the cosyness, my inspiration was quickly found. The sitelement is made of wool and the legs are coated steel finished with colourful bouncing balls.

The 2nd assignment was creating a lamp out of cardboard (we could choose between 3 different materials, all recycled). DIAMOND WEB became my design made out of package material of cardboard. 

The final assignment was creating a sitting area somewhere in Mechelen. This I designed together with Anke Beullens and became an on orgima based sitting landscape created out of grind on a prefabricated construction.

Another practical course that we have is interior design in general. We did also about 3 big assignments and one small for technical drawings.
The year started with a groupwork. We have designed an exhibition for a Dutch writer of childrenbooks, Joke Van Leeuwen. The long hall in the M museum of Leuven became an origami form made of red yarn where people could find their way through. CONFUSION became our introduction assignment of 2009.

After this project of about 4 weeks we had to create a kitchen in a certain space and place. I have chosen placing the kitchen on the roof while having a view over the city Ghent. My conceptual theme became jealous. As hard as I found this subject, I could create a space of fighting materials as wood and stainless steel and colours as dark oak and warm red. COLD OAK became the name of this project. A terrace was floating over the city and is a place to be on your own risk.

At my final assignment I transformed an ordinary house in Borgerhout to a bed & breakfast. It contained a giant closet with colourful shelves that took in one long wall over the 3 flours. And even in Belgium I thought there had to be a swimming pool. OPEN CLOSET became my final design before I headed to Dundee for exchange.

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